When a provider's banking hasn't been set up correctly, you may experience errors when attempting to publish your transactions to your accounting software. The error will usually read "Transaction does not have a bank account setup!". This occurs when the banking has not been set up correctly in the practitioner's Provider file before they started working. A good rule of thumb is to complete the banking as soon as the practitioner's Provider file has been created.
However, there is a way to fix this issue once you have realised that the banking has not been completed. Here's how to do it.
Please Note: You should set up the banking for your provider before attempting this procedure.
- Click on Location and then click Bank Transactions.
- Find the transaction with the error, click on Settings and then click Delete transaction.
In this example, the transaction with the error is dated 28/03/2017.
- Click on Settings of any transaction and then click Recalculate daily earnings.
This should bring back the transaction dated 28/03/2017 in a "Draft" state. If this doesn't happen, click on Recalculate monthly earnings instead. This may take much longer, depending on the number of transactions in a month.
- Click on Settings of that transaction then click Publish transaction.
You can see that the transaction dated 28/03/2017 is in the list once again.
- The Status should now be "Published".
Repeat this process for all transactions which have errors. If issues persist, I suggest that you submit a support request.
If you have any questions, please click the yellow Help button at the bottom left and chat with us. We are more than happy to help!
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