Latest release
- Recent improvements:
- Send appointment reminder SMS messages with custom content
- Send appointment notification emails with custom content
- Send treatment plans, charts, invoices, claims, receipts, as emails with custom content
- Treatment plan/chart audit logs
- Advanced appointment time search
- General improvements to the way that letter templates are displayed and generated
- Created the "Date of birth" and "Address" labels in the template designer which will generate the patient's date of birth and address details
- Other changes:
- Fixed: Error would appear if you tried to email a letter to a contact but the patient's email was empty
- Fixed: Contact's "Postal Address" labels were not populating correctly when generating a letter
- Fixed: Error would appear when clicking the aside in the patient's Letter section
- Fixed: Some treatments from migrated treatment plans were appearing as "completed"
- Fixed: Prepayment count would be "$0.00" if applying a prepayment to a patient file without previous invoices created
- Fixed: The "Invoice Created" report would calculate each invoice/payment multiple times (if there were multiple practitioners involved)
- Fixed: Environments with 5 minute slot intervals could not see the description of the appointment when it was 3 slots long
- Fixed: Error would appear when trying to chart GIC treatments
Send custom appointment reminders
Finally! Our most recent update includes an improvement to the communication options, allowing you to type out custom content for your SMS and Email reminders. Send texts and emails with any content that you want, right from the software.
Upcoming improvements
- Media Bridge integration
- Completing medical history forms using iPhone and iPad
- Periodontal charting
- New Patient and Referral Source reporting
- Viewing and accepting consent forms with digital signatures
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