Services are linked to your daily operations including the online booking widget. Here's a quick guide on how to manage it:
- Click on Settings (cog icon) on the top right and select Settings. (if you do not see this option, please contact your administrator.)
- Select Services under "APPOINTMENTS"
- Choose the service you wish to edit. We will use Check up & Clean as an example.
- On this screen, you will be able to manage your service in details.
- Display name: As it suggests, you can name your service as you wish.
- Service Overview: Contains the Display Name and Estimated time. This is how it would appear under your calendar book.
- Background colour: This is the background colour of your Service Overview.
- Font colour: This is the font colour to your Service Overview.
- Online Booking: To allow online booking or not.
- Estimate: Estimated time for the service.
- Online booking type (if applicable): Choose an online booking type (each type can only be used once)
- Internal Booking: Allow internal staff to make a booking via the calendar book.
- Display As Button (if applicable): To allow this service for online booking to be highlighted as a button.
- Start Date: Select a start date to start offering service at a later date to allow patients to pre-book in advance. Leave empty to start now.
- End Date: Select a date to stop offering service or leave empty if there is no end date.
- First Reminder: An appointment reminder will go out using a schedule for that calendar; Generally closer to the appointment.
- Second Reminder: An appointment reminder will go out using a schedule for that calendar; Generally further to the appointment.
- Resend Reminder: A follow up reminder will be sent, making the previously confirmed appointment tentative.
- Once you are done, click Save Changes.
If you have any questions, please click the yellow Help button at the bottom left and chat with us. We are more than happy to help!
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