A 6 month recall allows you to automatically generate a list of patients who visited the surgery for a check up and clean 6 months ago and have not returned for a visit since. With some simple steps below, you can then remind the patients that their checkup is due via SMS or email.
- Click on Marketing tab and select Campaigns.
- Click on the 6 Months recall.
- Click on New Run.
- Leave the Campaign date as today’s date. The Campaign Period is when the patient should be coming back for a check up / clean (i.e Last month).
- Click on Create Batch.
- Click on the Campaign you have just created.
- Click on Selected then choose All (feel free to untick patients you do not want to include in the recall).
- Once you’re happy with the selections. Click on the 3 dots and choose your preferred sending method (Email or SMS).
- Review your content and then hit Send Now.
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