The following scenarios are required reassigning the family organiser e.g. the organiser has been assigned incorrectly or deceased. Disbanding the family entirely is needed in order to amend to the intended or new organiser thus consider to write every family member's roles down or record into your notes and keep it for reference so you don't fail to remember.
Let's have an example of a deceased parent, Parent Test who is the organiser. Our objective is to add Parent Test to a family but she should be no longer the head of the account/family.
1. Go to the new organiser's profile then click on the Family tab.
2. Select one of the family member, click on the cog symbol and then Disband. There will be a pop-up message to confirm, continue to click on Confirm.
3. Still on the new organiser's profile, proceed to click on the top right plus sign "+" then Add a Family member.
4. Finally, re-add all family members as needed.
As you can see, we have changed the organiser and added all family members.
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