Feature request: I need a to-do list to better manage my time

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    Permanently deleted user


    I would also like some kind of Task/To-Do list feature. My previous PMS had this feature where you could assign a certain user to a task and also a patient. It also had due dates and started dates and also a status to indicate if it's started, in progress or complete. Below are two pictures of how it worked in my old PMS.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi team,

    This is a great idea! I think staff training is important, and it would be useful to keep everyone in the loop in regards to communicating with patients as to whether there are any preferences with dentists, times etc. However sometimes this does not always happen, and a recall/reminder system for each provider would be quite useful in these circumstances. I have escalated this feature to our development team and we will communicate our progress on this Community post. Keep your eyes peeled!


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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi all,

    I have actually not realised that this is something we will be able to do once we release our Tasks feature. We currently have plans to create a feature that will allow users to set tasks - much like a to-do list - which will have reminder alerts, as well. I think we can tweak this Tasks feature to work for you in an instance such as this, where you want to be reminded to check up on a patient's status/appointment etc.

    Again, we'll be communicating this to the Community in our Core Practice newsletters. 


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    Megan Young

    This feature would very much come in handy. It is essentially a type of recall system which I rely heavily on. At the moment I am using my outlook calendar to set myself reminders and for patient recalls.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi all,

    There has also been support shown for this from the team over at Prosmile Dentistry. I'm really happy to see this support coming through! Keep your eyes on this Feature Request post for any updates. Thanks!

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi all,

    We've had some more support for this feature, coming from the team over at Boon Dental. Thanks for sending in your requests as well as your support for the existing requests! Watch this space!

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi all,

    We've had more support for this feature from the team at WDSG. Thanks for your contributions and suggestions, they're priceless in helping us to organise our new updates. I'll keep you guys updated!

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    Tiarna Coates

    IMO this is an essential feature, especially for follow-ups and TLC calls after extractions or other difficult appointments.  Definitely something that I already miss from our old software! (We've been using Core for 4 days.)

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    Aiman Hashem

    this would be an amazing feature- and then to potentially have an actionable email sent to a particular user to remind them of the task on a specific day. E.g implant consult that needs a follow up by treatment coordinator in 1 week. 

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