Feature Request: Online Prescription feature

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi Everyone,

    Really great to hear so much interest around Online Prescription capability for Dental Industry, we would love to move toward this capability in near future.


    I just want to give everyone an update. Core Practice have been in regular meeting with ADA where there have been interests within the dental industry but remains minimal comparing to Medical Industry. ADA have expressed commitments to advocate for Govement Funding similar to what Medical industry have got.


    Would be great if the Dental Community as a whole can express the benefits and advocate directly to the ADA so that Dental Industry aren't being left behind.


    In the meantime Core Practice will continue to advocate in all our future meeting with the ADA.

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    David Leong

    Hi Kenny has there been any movement on this? With COVID it would be great for this to come to a head. Integration with eRx script exchange would be great. All doctors software already have this in place and they’ve just released a feature to allow for sending QR code’s to the patients phone and taking it to a pharmacy.
    I know prescribing isn’t a huge part of dentistry but would definitely be a great feature.
    Are there a lot of regulatory hurdles for this?

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    Dr Tony Fang

    Can we push this feature along. We would use it probably once a day at least if it's easy. Especially easy for patient pickups straight from our local chemist. 

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    Cranbourne Reception

    Agree with David and Tony here. Integration with eRx script exchange would be eally handy and save so much time and hassle. Ability to print off scripts electronically would be a great starting point for now. Kindly look into this Kenny. Thanks

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    Kensington Dentalcare

    Would really appreciate if we could have an update on this feature as it would be so valuable to have. 

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    Rhona Villavicencio

    Saran from Kallangur Dental Hub has shown keen interest in this feature.

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    Dev Prakash Sahu

    Without prescription it is hard for dentist to manage. I think this is one of the crucial feature which should be there in system. 

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    Dentist Near Me

    In the GP surgery here, when Doctors click a script to be sent, it records what was sent automatically in the notes. That would be good to do once we have implemented this.

    Do we have an ETA on this?

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    Frances Buchanan

    Frances from Bridge Dental - we are very eager for this feature to become available!! Our previous dental software enabled us to create a template with pre-set options for script generation, printable onto standard script paper. We have attempted to create a similar template on Core Practice however this has not been possible due to formatting limitations. Please would you consider creating a template for us to use in conjunction with our script paper in the mean-time.

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    Dr. Wei Shen

    Yes please, online prescription 

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    Dr Peter Bertossa

    printable prescriptions are now available from Medicare for dentists, i believe they are an A4 size, is there a module in corepractice for printing prescriptions?

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    Maria Sant'ana

    It would be amazing to have this feature here. The fact that is not present yet is surprising.

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    Anna Low

    I see that this is still marked as "planned".
    When should we expect this to be completed?

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    Dr Colm Galvin

    Any update on this feature in core practice  please? Do we have an completion date?

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