New Feature: Lab tracking module

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    Kenny Ha

    This is now completed and released, we will be enable this capability gradually over the next few months.

    Please let us know if you want to join our release candidate.

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    David Leong

    Hi Kenny,
    I’m not sure about other practices but we are fairly busy and do a lot of both internal lab work and outside lab work. Would be great to be able to track it all within Core practice.
    At the moment we use Asana to do all of this but integration within core practice would be super helpful.

    Having an internal tasks system like Asana would be helpful as well!

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    George Karagiannis

    Is there any work being done on this or a planned future date where it may be expected ?

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    Alex Ryan

    I'm also keen to see this sort of feature added

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    Kenny Ha

    Merged Alex request to this post:

    Hi guys

    I'd like to be able to record the lab charges per item as they return to the practice. This would tie in well with marking lab work returned, and allow me to track individual dentist's lab fees more accurately.

    Currently my lab supplies an invoice with each item itemised for patient and dentist, and a monthly statement. I pay fortnightly, and would like to include just that fortnight's lab fees.

    entering the lab fees into each dentist's expenses each day as they arrive would streamline our workflow

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    David Leong

    Would love to hear progress on this feature. Something that integrates into item numbers would be great.
    Would love to see:
    1. Separate page to track all the lab jobs currently out
    2. Status of lab job - sent, in progress, completed, needs to be sent
    3. Distinction between digital or analogue
    4. Distinction between in house and third party lab (retainers for example get made in-house)
    5. Some way of noting within the appointment book to notate whether an appointment needs lab work (automated not just manually with a tag)
    5. Some kind of warning if a lab work hasn’t arrived in time for an appointment
    6. If like a simple task the following columns would be helpful: Name, Lab, Digital/Analogue, Date Sent, Date Due, Type of Work (ability to choose multiple)

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi David,


    Thank you, really useful insight. We will try to consider your suggestion as much as possible.

    This will completely remove the need to tracking your lab job on paper form?

    Just wondering if this is a common use case or many users just want something simple to track if appointment required lab job and enter lab cost against Dentist?



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    Kenny Ha

    Hi David,


    Thanks for getting back to me, yes integrating with Asana or Trello is a very interesting idea that we have been considering./


    We were thinking more for Treatment Plan and Case Acceptance. But using Asana for lab is an interesting idea. Do you find Asana costly?

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    David Leong

    I find Asana expensive and thus my push for something more internal. Even following a model like other practice management software that has modules that you can pay extra for. Some modules like lab work tracking, task management, prescriptions,  could value add but also in the end save money as well as integrate better into your practice management.

    As a customer I'd obviously prefer it built in but if these things are delaed because of development costs then I can understand extra costs as well.

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    Alex Ryan

    "Just wondering if this is a common use case or many users just want something simple to track if appointment required lab job and enter lab cost against Dentist?"

    Yes, I would expect so.

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    George Karagiannis

    I sent an email and CJ Teh advised there may be a module in beta testing in 6 months. I would be happy to be a site to test for you.


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    George Karagiannis

    Any Update on ETA for this module? 

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi All,

    Apologies for the delay, just want to give an update on our progress as we are moving into beta testing and piloting in the next few weeks. If you are interested in helping us providing feedback please send a request through our support for access.


    Here are some highlights:

    1. Create Lab order
    2. Calculate due date for specific lab and services
    3. Attach lab case to current and plan appointment
    4. Display appointment status automatically when lab required or lab arrived
    5. Customised Lab instructions by taking advantage of Quick Note Templates
    6. Track list of all outstanding outgoing and incoming lab orders
    7. Keep all important documents in one place by attach lab sheet, receipts and media model
    8. Custom Stages tracking to suite any workflow (e.g. created, sent, received, approved, completed)
    9. Add comments/notes to help track follow-up activity for each lab case
    10. Link lab order to planned treatment to track when lab case has been issued, invoiced and paid
    11. Manage lab expenses and automatically calculate dentist commission when create statement

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi All,

    We are just doing some final touches following feedback from user test to add:

    • Email Order to Lab
    • Integrate with MYOB to publish bill
    • Integrate with Xero (up coming)

    We are getting close to release in next few weeks.

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