New Feature: Payment Plan Follow up

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    Warren Yap

    Hi Everyone, 

    We know that quite a few of our subscribers and orthodontists are waiting for Payment Plans to be implemented.

    Payment Plans are now being explored by the team to see how we can best implement this within the next couple of months. 

    If anyone has any examples of what this should look like, please feel free to share with us so we can consider this in the future. 


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    Saints Dental Management

    Please talk to National Dental Plan /Certigy from Flexigroup which can be integrated with CorePractice and the plan comes up automatically with the instalment option when the treatment plan is printed. It happens with D4W and should be explored further.

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    Saideepan Mohanadas

    Can we get this implemented with more up and coming BNPL systems. ZipPay and AfterPay are great. 

    Heaps of people have ZipPay and AfterPay, but I have never heard of someone having NDP account or Medipass account. 

    They shouldn't be needing to open a Buy Now Pay Later account just for dental. That such a big hassle to get onto a payment plan. Half the reason why these companies like Zip and AfterPay are so successful is the ease of use. 

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    James Bartalotta

    is there any way to do an internal payment plan?

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