Feature Request: Instant messaging

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    Dr. Wei Shen

    yes please 


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    Tiarna Coates

    We definitely need this feature!


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    Courtney Nelson

    Good Morning,

    This feature is definitely something we are missing since transferring from Oasis.

    An internal messaging system that is on the screen at all time would be amazing.

    We have been using slack, but it is not as good- keeping everything within the one program is ideal

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    Courtney Nelson

    Agreed! This would be a very welcomed feature. 

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi All,


    Thank you for your suggestion, I have Pinned this request to top for additional feedback.

    To help us understand your usecase and prioritise this feature accordingly we would appreciate your feedback on the following: 

    • Why this is important
    • Why currently free and more capable specialised software such as WhatsApp, Team or Slack is not adequate?
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    Tiarna Coates

    I could talk to you for hours about how efficient a built-in instant messaging service is and how this makes life easier for the team but at the end of the day, for me it comes down to privacy.  

    Internal instant messaging allows the team to communicate privately without the patient (or other people in the general area) hearing the conversation which may not be appropriate or may be in breach of our privacy obligations.

    Putting sensitive information into free online software increases the RISK of privacy breaches.  If I am not mistaken, both Slack and WhatsApp (as per your suggestions) have had a number of security concerns in the past including unencrypted backups and Facebook data sharing. All of the Practice information we need is already stored securely in Core - to me, it makes sense to leave it there where is it already protected rather than introducing another risk factor.

    I hope that helps.

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    Courtney Nelson

    Totally agree with everything Eloise said!

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    Courtney Nelson

    We were previously Oasis before this, and I have to say- the internal messaging system has been VERY missed, in fact, it is mentioned daily.

    This is something I really feel needs to be developed.

    We do not want to use an external messaging system for ANYTHING patient related. We want to keep it all within Core.


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    Courtney Nelson

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    Courtney Nelson

    Thats just a screen shot of a google image I found, but you can see how it is all on the one screen and easy for anyone who is logged in to see a message pop up

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Kenny

    This is an extremely desirable feature. We need to be able to flick messages to whoever quickly and simply without having to use 3rd party software. We are constantly communicating with reception or steri and the ability to do so with the minimum of fuss would be amazing.

    BTW thanks for the security stuff - excellent!

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    Hi We really need this feature as we have used this in Exact software and loved it as there are few things we don not want to discuss in front of pt 

    Its really useful and must have feature

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    Ash Kelly

    This is very much wanted and needed.  Such a quick and efficient way to communicate between rooms without patients hearing and such.

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    Julia- Business Manager

    yes agreed.  very much missed feature from Exact software. 

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    Ellen Thomas

    This feature would absolutely improve the productivity of our clinic and is something that should be seriously considered to be built in.

    Some examples of how my practice would utilise this feature.

    1. Front desk writing to confirm item codes charged, sometimes it is very difficult for the receptionist to get away from a talking patient to confirm the numbers charged with a clinician, having the ability to instant message would save a lot of time cutting the patient short, walking to the room and back etc.

    2. Hygienists/OHT's asking for dentists to come into the room to confirm tx, having the ability to simply ask for an exam within sending the nurse out would improve productivity for the clinician - additionally, it would reduce the nurse having to interrupt the other practitioner and their appointment, instead simply notifying them if they could come into the other room within the next hour.

    3. Front desk being able to inform clinicians of adjustments to the day sheet. Often a patient will call and be booked into a gap after the patient we are currently seeing, unless the receptionist comes in to interrupt the appointment we would not know there is someone booked after until completing said patient refreshing the book. Often clinicians will run over time thinking they have no patient after when now they do, and this ability to notify would help greatly

    4. Front desk able to communicate with clinicians whilst treatment is ongoing - eg. patient calls asking info from clinician, front desk could write to room clinician is in, nurse could ask clinician to discreetly read message and clinician could ask nurse to reply - again saving the appointment from being interupted. Often patients do not like other workers coming into their appointments, compromising confidentially and disrupting the flow

    These are a few of the ways instant messaging would greatly improve our practice, there are many other scenarios. 

    All the same concerns as aforementioned applied with third party instant messaging software and security risks

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    Dr Joseph Lee

    Totally agree with above comments. would be very useful especially when other systems already have it implimented. 

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    Dentique Dental

    What is the latest status of this integration?

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    Rhona Villavicencio

    Saran from Kallangur Dental Hub has shown keen interest in this feature.

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    Jordan Bulner

    Completely Agree with this feature! Using Exact at another practice I'm at. And the Internal Chat feature is PERFECT! Being able to chat to any other logged in users is great for practitioners to communicate to front desk without leaving the OR and vice versa. Especially useful in big practices or when you don't want to talk about something in front of the patient.

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    Angela Johnston

    Still a needed feature please! It's such a hassle trying to use different different instant messaging.

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    Julia- Business Manager

    Internal texting is an essential feature that every business should have. It not only helps in keeping the information confidential but also saves time for the staff, making the process efficient. Many dental programs have this feature, and it is time that your program also incorporates it. Going to the desk or talking to other staff members about confidential information is not only inconvenient but also poses a risk of information being overheard. Therefore as discussed when we first signed up and this feature was said to be in the making, i would strongly like to suggest that you consider adding an internal texting feature to your program to make the process smoother, more efficient, and most importantly, secure.  External programs are not only another administrative duty to set up etc they may not be encrypted and may not suffice in discussing patient information

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    Ellen Thomas

    Here again to please ask for internal messaging! I cannot express how much this feature would be of benefit

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    Angela Johnston

    Would also like to know if the messaging is being added as a feature?  Thank you.

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    This feature would benefit our staff greatly 

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    Dr Amr Ashmawy

    great idea


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    Jordan Bulner

    Core, How has it been 6 years since this has been requested, and yet it’s still hasn’t been implemented?!

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