Improvement: Autosaving treatment notes

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    Kenny Ha

    This issue should have been resolved, can you confirm again and provide details if still an issue?

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    Warren Yap

    Hi David, 

    Apologies for the delays in reply to your message. 

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're also sorry that you're feeling frustrated! 

    Are you able to confirm if you're referring to when a user presses the escape key while writing treatment notes which results in losing data halfway through? Or did you mean the ESC key? 

    If you can let me know which it was then that would be great. I can get the team to look into this straight away once you reply. 


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    Warren Yap

    Hi David, 

    Thanks for putting this feature request in. 

    We have now completed this improvement. 

    Solution: Pressing 'Esc' button will no longer close your treatment notes window. 

    Kind Regards,


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    David Leong

    Hi Warren,

    We noted this in your newsletter! Excellent feature!

    Would love it if you expanded on this with some kind of autosaving feature that somehow kept an unsaved template if the tab was accidentally closed or something like that... Would love autosaving like you see in something like Google Drive or other apps where things are being autosaved for better backup.

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    Warren Yap

    Hi David, 

    This makes sense. 

    Does this happen quite often in other parts of our tool? 

    I'll have to check this one out with the team. I can imagine this may be very hard to do for each part of the tool (quick notes, templates, treatment notes etc). Perhaps, it could go to an autosave bank? 

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    Tailored Teeth Reception

    Hi Team,

    Just wanted to stop by to add a big +1 for this feature.

    It appears that if you highlight a bit too far outside the virtual window when filling out a template, to either the left or right hand sides, the window closes and all the fields that have been filled out are lost.

    There have been countless times that this has happened to the girls and myself when writing notes. If there was a way to, as David mentioned, either autosave as you go along, or even a dialogue box that adds an extra warning that there window you are trying to navigate away from has unsaved information, it would save me a lot of heartache and having to re-write notes.

    TIA guys,

    Dr Rick

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi Everyone,


    I have Pinned this request to top of the list, looking for more interest.

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    Kah Chong

    if I accidentally select words, sentences or paragraphs and my mouse wanders outside of the textbox while highlighting, or if I click outside of the text box, the box closes and the typing is lost. Super annoying. Please fix this.

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    Dr Tony Fang

    exactly what kah said

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    Kah Chong

    Thank you for fixing this.

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