Improvement: Editing Quick notes templates
PinnedWhen editing templates sometimes you need to add new conditions to a temple or change them. There is no way to change the order of options within a particular field. Please make it the ability to move around options so that the most recently added one isn’t just at the bottom.
Hi David,
Thanks for posting!
I want to make sure that I understand your suggestion here.
Can you confirm that you're within Quick Notes and looking to make adjustments within a template?What does changing the order of options mean? Do you mean changing the order of questions?
Warren -
Hi Warren,
Great to see that they've gotten someone to check these forums again!
In template designer there should be a way of reordering the answers for a particular question. At the moment you can add a line to the bottom of the answers but there is no way of rearranging them. We would want to do this for things like when we change a product or a filling material or bond or anything like that that we have used and would like it to reflect the order in which we did the procedure. You have the ability to drag and drop the questions but no rearrange the answers at all.
I have attached an image of what I mean...
Also, there should be a way of copying a particular question and answer from one template to another. We make lots of templates for particular procedures but lots of procedures have the same thing. I know you can copy whole templates but it would also be great to be able to copy particular questions and answers. It makes it very tiresome to go back in and edit each template separately after a change is made. For example, we have an a question and answer for who assisted the dentist and annotated the notes in each template. Every time we get a new staff member, we have to go into every single template and change it. Would be great to be able to bulk copy or edit an answer or something like that... Or have a macro linked to the particular question/answer that changed it automatically in every template. Should I put this suggestion in a separate feature request?
Thanks, David. Hopefully, I can make a good impact here and ensure you're being heard for our upcoming releases.
This makes a lot of sense to me now.
- How would you rearrange the items/answers?
I'd like to give our team more options on how to tackle this - filter (order of importance *point system?*, alphabetical order vs drag and drop vs move up and down buttons. Which do you think works best?
- I see. We could potentially look into like a question bank? Here are few things I came up with:
There is a main question/answer bank where you have the main question and answers that you can use to add into other templates
A button that copies the question and answers. Then the user can have the ability to paste the copied section into another template
Thanks for clarifying, David. It would be great to get some further input so I can convey options to the team on how to best tackle this.
Kind Regards,
Warren - How would you rearrange the items/answers?
I agree Warren - easy re-ordering of select options would be very useful.
Quick notes are great but would be much better if, as you suggest, we could include individual quick notes within others. For example, a quick note for Local Anaesthetic - If we could then include this note within other quick notes such as say a Filling note or a root canal treatment note it would make an extremely powerful system. We then have small sub-notes than can build together into larger procedure notes.
An obvious further extension to this would be to allow multiple insertions of the same quick note within the larger procedure note at runtime. A good example for this would be a Root Canal Treatment quick note. Here we have an unknown number of root canals to treat. If we have a sub-note for a single root canal then there is a "+" option at runtime to add the same sub-note again for as many times as there are canals it would be fantastic!
I mentioned this to Kenny a good while ago.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Warren,
1. I like just a simple hamburger item next to each answer that you can grab and drag and drop. But any system that allows you to move the answer is really fine with me.
2. I like both of those suggestions in terms of what you think for the common questions/answers. I think they would be great to both implement as the question bank would be good for common group items that could all be easily changed at once. But being able to copy and paste certain question/items to different templates would also be useful when you didn't want it to affect all templates.
Tony: In terms of the RCT example, Why don't you just have a single template for RCT? And when you get to number of canals you just have a questions saying: Numbers of canals and then have the answers as 1,2,3,4,5? I then have a written section that just allows me to tell my staff the IWL's and the like...
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