Feature Request: Task management

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    Kenny Ha

    Anyone else see a need for this? What usecase would you be using this for?

    1. We were thinking of adding adhoc tasks and reminders to patient and appointments.
    2. Adding recurring tasks to remind staffs or team of specific task each day or week
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    Saideepan Mohanadas

    Shift handover 

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    Marcius Bispo

    Adding routine tasks to remind staff would be great, specially for reception and practice manager. Currently we use Asana for that. 

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    Shelby Towner

    We also use Asana for this, it would be handy to have a similar feature within Core.

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    Ellen Thomas

    This feature would be extremely helpful and absolutely improve patient outcomes, by being able to assign tasks with a date in the future. For example, following up with patients months later, tasks that are required at the next recall etc

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