Improvement: Ability to select template when sending email for treatment plans

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  • Official comment
    Kenny Ha

    Hi David,


    Thank you for sending your request here to let us know that this would be useful.

    Yes we do have the capability to select email template in other areas.

    We will be adding this capability here soon.

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    Warren Yap

    Hi Team, 

    Exact has the capability to add invoice notes so it would be great to be able to choose templates for the email to generate this sort of information. A few of the Exact users have agreed that they'd like to keep the invoice cleaner and utilise the email to explain details of the treatment etc. 

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    David Leong

    Any progress on this? It has been over a year and it seems like the capability is already built into other parts of core practice? Are you going to be adding this to the email section for treatment plans as well?

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