Feature Request: Directly integrated intraoral camera

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  • Official comment
    Kenny Ha

    Hi All,

    Sorry to hear about the issue and thank you for your support to help improve Core Practice.


    We are currently close to complete development for the first version of our camera integration without using Media Bridge.

    Our first version will be available to our closed beta users to help us test and provide feedback.

    Most USB compatible camera that support plug and play should be compatible with the new feature.

    If your camera work on Windows 10 camera app then it is likely that the camera should work with Core Practice.

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    Alex Ryan

    The media bridge needs work. We are having to restart it multiple times a day just to function reading xrays too

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    Dr Mini Li

    We were having such major issues with media bridge and our intraoral camera... it can be quite frustrating when you are just wanting to take a photo to show patient's an issue in their mouth... 

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    Dan Robbins

    The media bridge worked well on windows 7 back in the day but windows 10 is the safe standard these days.  We gave up on using the media bridge a while ago which tries to connect the intraoral camera software to core.  We found a work around that uses the windows 10 native "camera" app that works quite well (very stable) but we still have to drag and drop the file from the save location into the attachments folder manually.  Would be nice to streamline this step and see if the media bridge could automatically import the image taken using the "camera" app it into the core database....

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    Dan Robbins

    ...and less likely to accidentally save the image into another patients file. 

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    Pierce Barrett

    Unfortunately we've had lots of issues with the media bridge crashing. It hasn't been a big issue with our phosphor plate scanner, but the intraoral camera's will often crash the bridge 2-4 times a day (every day). Often the bridge will be in a state where it's running in the background and needs to be ended in the task manager before re-opening the bridge. 

    We've been given a work-around to get it back up and running, but this takes more time than it should and can often cause a bit of a headache for our dentists.

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    Kenny Ha

    Hi All, 

    Sorry to hear about the issues and thanks for sharing your workaround Dan.

    We have recently released new Direct Camera Integration should be similar with Windows 10 Native Camera App as this can be directly integrated using Chrome Browser.

    Please get in touch with support to join our release candidate program to help trial the new feature and provide feedback.



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