Improvement: Ability to validate Email address and send status tracking




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    Kenny Ha

    Hi Tony,

    Thank you for sharing and sorry to hear about the experience.

    There is capability offered by our email provider.

    Though it is a premium service that may have additional cost, somewhere around $0.01 or 0.02 per validation.

    Let us know if this is something worthwile exploring.

    Email Validation will offer:

    • Improve delivery rates
    • real-time email validation
    • Identify mistyped, inactive, non-existent email address. e.g.

    Does anyone else have similar problem, just trying to understand how common is the issue?

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    Tony Appleton

    Thanks Kenny - that cost seems reasonable - I was thinking of the system sending an email requiring a response to confirm the email as both valid and correct at the time of email entry or change, either at initial sign up by the patient or entry/edit by staff?


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