Improvement: Ability to validate Email address and send status tracking
Just had a situation where we had entered patient's email address incorrectly - had missed a single letter from the address and 3 years later, today, discover error when patient realises she hasn't received invoices from us.
Patient was livid that her personal/financial data had "gone to someone else". When I drilled down to the invoice audit log on each invoice the emails had flagged as "Failed", which we of course had not spotted. Fortunately the misspelt email address is not a valid email address so hope I have managed to calm the patient!
On review email handling is messy - there is no tracking mechanism for us and we can't see contents of emails easily. The Patient's logs area appears empty in most patients? Could we have an obvious area where all emails are listed and visible much like SMS chat area.
Could the system insist on email validation whenever a new email address is entered or edited - much like it does for online booking registration.
Please could the system also actively flag failed email delivery so we don't let this slip through unknowlingly.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for sharing and sorry to hear about the experience.
There is capability offered by our email provider.
Though it is a premium service that may have additional cost, somewhere around $0.01 or 0.02 per validation.
Let us know if this is something worthwile exploring.
Email Validation will offer:
- Improve delivery rates
- real-time email validation
- Identify mistyped, inactive, non-existent email address. e.g.
Does anyone else have similar problem, just trying to understand how common is the issue?
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