The Treatments Total Report provides information about the total number of treatments per provider on a given date range.
This report is being generated if you want to get the total number of invoice that has not yet been invoiced and the total number of treatments that are not yet paid. It will also show the total price of the treatments on a particular day.
1. Click Report and select Treatment Overview.
2. Filter the report by Location, Provider, and Date range.
3. You may also filter the result by certain treatment codes. If you would like to generate a list of all treatment codes, you may leave this field blank.
4. Click on Run Report.
5. This report can be exported via Excel or PDF.
Not Invoiced: Pertains to treatments that are not yet created as an Invoice. These are the treatments that are added under the Treatments tab or treatments that have been completed from the Charting but not yet created as an Invoice. (This will show on the treatment description under the patient's Treatment tab as Not Invoiced)
Not Paid: Refers to the treatments that are not yet paid or settled and considered as Overdue.
* If you clicked on the provider's name under this report, you will be directed to the Treatments Performed report. To know more information about this report, please click here.
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