Online Forms enables clinics and patients to use devices like an iPad to fill in forms online. This guide goes through all the steps needed to complete an online form. The steps are separated into 3 parts (Create Form, Fill Out Form, Approve Form) to help users navigate to areas they need help with:
- Create Form
- Fill out Form
- Approve Form
The idea behind Online Forms is to address some key problems within the clinic like proving patient identity, time spent on data entry and paper waste. Conversely, this also represents an opportunity for clinics to capture patient data in a more efficient manner.
Paper is no longer good enough to prove a patient's identity, you need other forms of ID like photo, signature, and GPS to do this successfully. As such, the only way to achieve this is to give clinics the option to use digital tools like Core Practice to help patients receive better service with the data they provide and to also help clinics spend more time doing meaningful tasks.
Begin clinic workflow part 1
- Click on the patient's booking in Appointment book and you'll see the patient's profile states Incompleted in red. Click on Form icon and select Complete a new form.
- You will then see a pop-up. Click on Cast form.
- A one-time Access Code will be generated for the device.
Begin patient workflow
- Log into Core Practice on your tablet and go to the User tab > Tap and cast then input the one-time Access Code and then click on the button with an arrow pointing right.
- Agree to the privacy policy and click on Next: Start Form.
- Click on Click a profile picture to take a photo.
- Fill in all necessary details. The asterisk symbol (*) indicates mandatory areas. Click on Next: Review Form to review the form.
- Patient name will automatically appear. Provide your signature inside the box then click on Next: Accept and Submit. If you're happy with the signature. Otherwise, click on Clear to redo your signature.
- Click on Exit.
*End patient workflow
Clinic workflow part 2
- Navigate to the patient's profile.
- Click on the edit button under the Waiting Approval Form section.
- Review submission details and if everything is ok, click on Approve Submission. The View Evidence button shows the audit trail and security metadata.
- Review the patient's details changes (if any). Click on the Approve and Save button if everything is fine. Otherwise, there is an option to click Approve without Save to only approve the form but make no changes on the patient's profile.
- Click on the Confirm button.
Done! The patient details will then be updated when you refresh the page. All details will reflect with whatever the patient filled out in the online form.
How do I edit a form?
Is there a way to create a complete new form to send?
Agree with the above, might help if you have some instructions on how to create a form!
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