Clinicians operating hours may vary depending on the clinic's demand. Here are the following steps on how to change the clinician's start time or finish time:
NOTE: Prior to changing the clinician's availability, make sure that you're on the right period. A period is a date range that contains a practitioner's schedule for that particular date range and includes all of their availabilities. Follow this article for more information on How to use the Calendar Setup.
1. On the Appointment Book, click on more and select Calendar Setup.
2. Click on the three dots beside the Provider's Name and Edit Template.
3. Check and see if you are on the correct Period on the right drop down box. Once the correct period is confirmed, click on the Available blocks, and edit the time according to the clinician's availability. Once done, hit Save Changes.
If you have any other concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to click on the HELP button for further assistance. We are always happy to help!
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