Appointment Creation Report indicates your average appointments booked on a month-to-month basis including your total appointments daily to all your calendar locations.
In this report, you will able to see how many appointments were booked per month, how many total appointments are booked via online booking, the average duration of an appointment, the total number of hours booked, and the average total booked daily.
Follow the steps below to generate this report:
1. From the Report Tab, select any one of the reports categories and you will be routed to the reports dashboard. Choose Appointment Creation Report.
2. Once you're on the Appointment Creation dashboard, this report will generate the monthly overall appointment created per location. Below shows the Appointments Timeline.
A. Calendar: this allows you to pick the month you wish to focus on.
B. Appointment Category: allows you to choose if you wish to focus on all appointments that were made in a month including those created via online booking or only choose online to focus only on appointments booked online.
C. Legend: shows the different values which are graphed.
- This Month: the light blue line shows this month's daily appointment.
- Last Month: the grey line shows last month's daily appointment.
Calendars: The total count of providers' calendars in the location.
Appointments: The total number of appointments including canceled.
Online: Total numbers of appointments were created from online bookings.
Reappointment: The number of appointments was created on the same day when the patient attended the appointment.
Patients: Total number of all patients including those that canceled.
New Patients: Total number of new patients including those that canceled.
Average Duration: The average length (minutes) of the appointment.
Hours Booked: Total number of hours booked.
Average Daily: The average hours booked daily.
Total Average of Appointments Booked Daily.
3. If you wish to view the total average appointments booked per provider instead of location, simply click on the highlighted calendar location.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to click on the yellow HELP button and chat with us. We're always happy to help!
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