The Core Practice Client Bridge has been installed on your computer and is designed to start automatically when you turn your computer on. Sometimes, due to a number of factors, this program may not start automatically. Here's how to do it yourself.
Please Note: Before you start the Client Bridge, make sure that it isn't already running. Go to the system tray and find the Core Practice Client Bridge Diagnostic icon, as below.
The icon may not be there but if it is, right-click it and click Exit.
- Click on Start once you've made sure that the program isn't running.
- Go to All Programs (or All Apps) and find the "Dentasoft" folder (as below).
- Click on Core Practice Client Bridge in that folder. The program should now be running. Restart the Core Practice Client Bridge to make sure the connection has been made with Core Practice.
If you have any questions, please click the yellow Help button at the bottom left and chat with us. We are more than happy to help!
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